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Snowbird Get Away

Blue Start will provide fresh juice and hot coffee, Soup from Kitchen 
Enjoy the fall colors
Bike Sprint T-shirt
At the finish there's hot soup
Great snacks
Fruit juice
 Energy drinks
Listen to tunes
Finish times for all participants
Awards for top finishers
A great place to hang out
before going down the canyon
Packet pickup starts at 9:00 AM
at the mouth of City Creek Canyon
October 11th.

Licensed riders line up at the start line
followed by the citizen riders,
the mountain bike division will
line up behind the road bikes
How's that for a Saturday?
Awards Male and Female
14 & under, 15-19, 20-29,30-39, 
40-49, 50-59, 60+
October 8
Road & Mountain Bikes
Contact Us
It's for 
Race or Ride, 
it doesn't 
matter, it's all :)
First person who beats the record 20:40.41 gets $100
Starts at the gate of City Creek Canyon

    Finishes at Rotary Park.
A 6 mile hill climb.
A beautiful fall event
with blueberry pancakes
at the finish, music,
awards, hanging out and
socializing with friends  before a kickback ride  down the canyon.

What a morning !

When you register you will receive an email with packet pick-up information.
Awards Male and Female
14 & under, 15-19, 20-29,30-39, 
40-49, 50-59, 60+
For Road and Mt. Bikes
Start time 10 am
Make it good
and keep it simple
Rene the Chef 
& blueberry 
(Park at the Capitol and ride your bike to the start)
On-line reg is closed.  You can register in the morning. be there by 9:00 AM.  Have correct change.
Final update: City Creek Bike Sprint start time 10 AM. It's going to be fun. :)

Check list

* Be at the start no later than 9:25 AM. The start is at the City Creek Canyon gate.
* Be careful of any pot holes some are hidden under leaves.. Paint markings are not allowed in the canyon.
* Give your bib number to the check in person. Your number is listed below.
  more cyclist are registering now that they see the weather will be great.
* Pin the bib number on the lower left back side of your shirt.
* Park at the State Capitol and ride down to the start.
* When coming down the canyon PLEASE GO SLOW, there are bike riders, walkers and
  runners that we need to be aware of, we don't want anyone reporting us and shutting
  this event down in the future. Thank you.

See you in the morning. Thank you for hanging out with us!