USA Cycling permit
When your registration
is received, you will
be sent an email with
information on bib number pickup.
Parking will be in the large open field at Henefer Park
Held under USA Cycling Event Permit # Pending
All USA Cycling rules apply
The course starts on Main Street
and HWY 65, the course goes
West to East Canyon Resorts, turn around and back to Henefer
and continue to Echo Canyon
until reaching the I80 off ramp,
turn around go past Henefer
and finish at the top of Hogs
Back (Summit-Morgan
County line) 60 miles.
Women Cat 3-4 and Women's
Masters 35+ start in Henefer,
go to East Canyon turn
around, go the town of Echo,
turn around, come back
through Henefer and finish
on Hogs Back, 40 miles.
Juniors start at Henefer, go to East
Canyon Resorts, turn around and
finish at Hogs Back, 14 miles.
Cyclists, Leslie Crawford with Summit County Engineering has asked we forward this information.
As we begin the race roads are are not closed, we will have to share the road with other users such as tractors, large trucks,
and four legged animals. This is a reminder we give you every year. Thank you
Fee: $35, after April 10, $40, after April 15, $45 day of $50. Cut off time for day of reg and bib pick
up is 45 min before the start.
As always this is a self supporting race.

If you have signed up Thank You. Below are instruction on packet pickup
1. Packet pickup is at Canyon Bicycles 3969 South Wasatch Blvd.
(Olympus Hills Shopping Center) Wednesday thur Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Avoid the LONG LINES on race day.
2. Take your assigned number bib number to the store. Click on the link Participants Bib Number
3. When the bib is handed to you, look at it and sure the name on the bib is yours.
4. Have your current 2016 USA Cycling license you will be asked to show it.
5. Your bib number is taped to your USA Cycling waiver/release
form, sign the form and leave it at the bike shop.
6. You cannot pick up bib numbers for other rides, they need to be
at the bike shop to sign the waiver.
7. If you don't have a USAC License, you can purchase a day license
at the bike shop for $10. No credit cards, cash or check only made out to USAC.
8. Road is disrepair in some location.
9. Like every year this is a SELF SUPPORTING RACE.
If you are from out of town, you will be able to pick your bib on race day.